
What is a chiropractor, and why should you see one? Naturally, your inquisitive mind has plenty of questions about chiropractors and chiropractic treatment, including its benefits and what it entails. If you want to learn more about chiropractic care, you're in the right place!

This blog focuses on all things chiropractic. If you have nagging neck or back pain, migraines, joint problems, and more, we have informative posts with advice and recommendations for you.

But you don't have to be in pain now to benefit from our articles. By 2030, more than five million Australians are projected to develop arthritis – and you could be among them. The good news is that you could prevent it or at least be armed with the right information from its onset.

How to Make Your Headache Go Away!

November 24, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Holistic Health
How to Make Your Headache Go Away!
Warning: Rant ahead! You shouldn’t rely on pain killers to solve your headaches! So you have another headache and you have a TONNE of work to do today… Before you reach for that pill consider this … Why is your headache there in the first place? Most likely it is not because there is a...

Lateral Epicondylitis Exercises | Get Rid of Tennis Elbow Pain

November 17, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Exercises
Lateral Epicondylitis Exercises | Get Rid of Tennis Elbow Pain
Tennis Elbow: 4 Easy Rehabilitation Techniques to Reduce Pain. If you have ever experienced tennis elbow, then you know just how agitating it can be! BUT did you know that your tennis elbow pain can improve much quicker than you think? In this weeks blog we share 4 easy tennis elbow t...

How To Treat A Cold Naturally. Make Vapor Rub At Home.

November 10, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Holistic Health
How To Treat A Cold Naturally. Make Vapor Rub At Home.
Natural Kids ‘Vapor rub’ recipe for the change in seasons. As we come out of Winter, we are sure that a lot of you would have experienced some type of lurgi, sniffle, cough, congestion etc. We know it’s not fun, and night time is the worst, as laying supine (flat) makes it even harder ...

Detoxifying Your Body: How To Make A Detox Bath for Your Body.

November 03, 2019 By Open Space Healing Team In Detoxify
Detoxifying Your Body: How To Make A Detox Bath for Your Body
How to Detox at Home with this Decadent Detox Bath Recipe. At Open Space Healing we know that it’s essential to deeply ‘rest’ and detox regularly to maintain optimal health. We also know that to carve out alone time to de-stress and unwind in our busy schedules can be tough. The consta...